Secure your website with your choice of SSL certificates. We provide a mix of SSL certificates from the leading companies in the website security industry.
There are 3 categories of SSL certificate available. These are the basic Domain Validated (DV) which validates the domain, Organization Validated (OV) which validates the domain and the business and Extended Validated (EV) is the most trusted that does a full business validation in addition to the domain validation.
DV – Domain Validated
Domain Validated (DV) certificates are a fast and simple way to secure your website with industry-standard 128- or 256-bit encryption. The process of obtaining one of these SSL certificates couldn’t be easier and is usually handled with just a standard email. A file-based authentication method can also be used and is recommended if you have direct access to the server that hosts your domain name.In order to receive a DV certificate from one of our trusted Certification Authorities (CAs), all you have to do is prove that you own the domain that you wish to protect. Since no extensive validation process is required, DV certificates are the most affordable type of SSL on the planet.
OV – Organization Validation
Organization Validated certificates, or OV certificates, are a type of SSL technology that offers full 128- to 256-bit encryption to websites of businesses and other registered organizations. The difference between OV certificates and domain validated (DV) certificates is that a little extra vetting is required to confirm that you not only own your domain but that your organization is also legit. A basic business background check is performed. But don’t fret! So long as your business is registered, the validation process isn’t a problem. In most cases, it only takes a couple of hours to about a day and you’ll be all set.EV – Extended Validation
In the world of SSL/TLS, EV certificates are the gold standard, or maybe we can call it the “green” standard. This complete SSL solution not only encrypts your website, safely protecting user information from prying eyes, but it also comes with a variety of extra premium features that have proven to boost trust & clearly demonstrate that you’re in fact someone safe to do business with. The main way EV certs do this is by way of the green address bar![/p]Not just anyone can obtain an EV certificate that activates this globally trusted & recognized green bar (especially no malicious or fake site), because the issuing Certificate Authority (CA) has to first complete a full and thorough validation process to verify & ensure you’re actually a legitimate business. So, if you’re a real business and you’re looking to maximize trust, boost conversion and align yourself alongside the big shots of the Internet – ya’ know, the companies that people already know and trust – then EV is the only way to go since you’re trying to win online.Select your perfect ssl certificate
Certificate | Validity Period | Company | Issuance Speed | Validation Type | Warranty | Price | |
RapidSSL CertificateEconomy SSL for 1 domain and www subdomain | 1-6 years | RapidSSL | 10 minutes | (DV) Domain Validation | up to $10,000 | $49/year | Order |
RapidSSL Wildcard CertificateEconomy SSL for 1 domain and unlimited subdomains | 1-6 years | RapidSSL | 10 minutes | (DV) Domain Validation | up to $10,000 | $199/year | Order |
DigiCert Basic EV (FLEX)Premium SSL with Green Bar | 1-3 years | digicert | 2-24 hours | (EV) Domain + Full Business | up to $1,750,000 | $279/year | Order |
DigiCert Secure Site OV (FLEX)Advanced SSL option showing legitimate business | 1-3 years | digicert | 2-24 hours | (OV) Domain + Basic Business | up to $1,750,000 | $349/year | Order |
DigiCert Secure Site EV (FLEX)Premium SSL with Green Bar | 1-3 years | digicert | 2-24 hours | (EV) Domain + Full Business | up to $1,750,000 | $995/year | Order |
DigiCert Secure Site Pro SSL (FLEX)Show your business is real! | 1-3 years | digicert | 2 hours | (OV) Domain + Basic Business | up to $2,000,000 | $1,499/year | Order |
Thawte SSL Web Server with EVPremium SSL with Green Bar | 1-3 years | Thawte | 10 minutes | (EV) Domain + Full Business | up to $1,500,000 | $299/year | Order |
GeoTrust True BusinessID OV (FLEX)Advanced SSL for legit businesses | 1-3 years | GeoTrust | 1-3 Days | (OV) Domain + Basic Business | up to $1,250,000 | $199/year | Order |
GeoTrust True BusinessID with EV (FLEX)Premium SSL with Green Bar | 1-3 years | GeoTrust | 1-3 Days | (EV) Domain + Full Business | up to $1,500,000 | $299/year | Order |
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